We are delighted that CAP Worldwide, and CEO Jo Layton, were given a wonderful 2023 'gift of recognition' from the fabulous BTN Europe, that was totally unexpected but very gratefully received by all of us in the CAP Worldwide team - an 'honourable mention' in the BTN Europe 2023 Hotlist.
This recognition has given CAP a call-out alongside some highly respected and amazing companies and associations including ITM - The Institute of Travel Management, Guy Snelgar from The Advantage Travel Partnership, American Express Global Business Travel, Spotnana, SAP Concur, Travlr ID and CHOOOSE.
As a fast-growing global extended-stay specialist, we are often short on the time and resources to enter industry awards, so this recognition was a fabulous and unexpected surprise - whoever put our name on the BTN table, we thank you!
We'd like to recognise, celebrate and send congratulations to ALL the deserving recipients of the BTN Europe 2023 Hotlist - there's a lot of incredible people, products and companies doing great things out there!
#webookextendedstay #businesstravel #servicedaccommodation #global #globalmobility #corporatetravel #CAPinsights