The journey has started for CAP, and the end goal is to work collaboratively and regeneratively with the industry associations and global agents - together - ensuring we all measure emissions in one accepted and agreed format, which will be a benefit for the whole industry.
Deeds not words - the ESG team at CAP is delighted to announce CAP continues our journey to net zero with the help and support of Planet Mark.
We are well on the journey to achieving our sustainability targets, but we have chosen to bring in an expert to help us on our way - we recommend you consider doing the same.
Thank you to Eva Koszorus and Andrew Griffiths for helping us to embed this philosophy into our business.
Just 3 weeks ago our CEO Jo Layton joined the ASAP - The Association of Serviced Apartment Providers webinar, representing the CHPA | Corporate Housing Providers Association as joint chair of the Sustainability Team - talking about collaboration and buyer needs in the extended stay space.
Thank you to the associations, the chairs and the volunteers for putting this agenda point front and centre for our global industry.
Together - we've got this.
#deedsnotwords #sustainabillity #peopleplanetprofit #webookextendedstay #CAPinsights #womenowned #servicedapartments #businesstravel #CAPEarth